Address by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan

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Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 26 December, 2019 - 18:03
Паёми Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Пешвои миллат, муҳтарам Эмомалӣ Раҳмон ба Маҷлиси Олӣ

Distinguished Members of Senate and Lower Chamber of the Parliament!

Esteemed Compatriots!

This year is recorded as another successful year with the achievements and progress made by our people in the history of independent Tajikistan.

Implementation of activities mentioned in the “National Development Strategy of Tajikistan to 2030” and “Mid-term Development Program of Tajikistan for 2016-2020” facilitated making firm steps in achieving our supreme objective, i.e. improving the living standards of the noble people on Tajikistan.

In 2019, the real growth of GDP made 7.5% and this indicator was achieved through increased production of industrial products by 13.4%, agricultural products by 7.1%, trade by 8% and fee-based services by 1.6%.

During the last seven years, the average annual growth of the country’s economy constituted 7% and the GDP increased from 45.6 billion TJS in 2013 to 78 billion TJS in 2019.

In this period, the public budget increased by almost two times and reached 23 billion TJS in 2019 against 12 billion TJS in 2013. During these years, the population income increased by more than two times and the average salary of every employee did so by 2.4 times. The outstanding savings in the banking system in 2019 accounted to more than 9.5 billion TJS and it has increased by 45% during the last seven years.

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Speech by the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon at State Language Day of the Republic of Tajikistan

Ҳайати тадорукот's picture
Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 4 October, 2019 - 10:52
Речь по случаю Дня государственного языка Республики Таджикистан

Dear Compatriots!
Language is an invaluable boon in the life of the humankind. It is through language that a person expresses his feelings, thoughts and judgments. National language is like a bright mirror that reflects the history, spiritual peace and wisdom of every nation.Moreover, in the culture and civilization of all peoples, including the Tajik nation, native language is the foundation, which strengthens the basis of the national mentality and serves as the main factor of its preservation.
Our native language is a beautiful and poetic language, which for millennia embodied the knowledge and wisdom accumulated by the Tajik people. It is a convincing testament to our existence and a vivifying source in historical destiny of our nation.In other words, it is this language, thanks to whichthe glorious Tajik people created and introducedits rich history and culture to the world.
Alongside other languages ofKhorasan andMawarannahr, the Tajik language is the successor to ancient Aryan languages. World-known scientists and researchers have proved that Tajiks have made an invaluable input into the history of human civilization, and our language is listed among the most ancient languages on the planet. There are thousands of scientific studies on this issue.

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Information letter - International Scientific and Practical Conference titled as "The Status of the Tajik language in the Territories of Central Asia with the population speaking the Tajik language"

Ҳайати тадорукот's picture
Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 24 July, 2019 - 13:18
     The Committee of Language and Terminology by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan - in accordance with the Article 118 of the Decree #79 issued by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on March 1, 2019 "On the plan of holding scientific events in the Republic of Tajikistan through 2019» and
in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan" within the framework of the Working Plan of the Committee - has scheduled an International Scientific and Practical Conference titled as "The Status of the Tajik language in the Territories of Central Asia with the population speaking the Tajik language", which will be held this year on October 5, 2019 (at 09:00 AM) in Dushanbe with the participation of scientists and scientific circles of foreign countries.
     The working language of the conference: Tajik, Russian and English.
     The conference will address the following issues:
- development of the Tajik language in the territories of Central Asia with the population speaking the Tajik language;
- the state of studying the Tajik language in the territories of Central Asia with the population speaking the Tajik language;
- issues of Informational propaganda, Media (press) in Tajik language through Central Asian countries;
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Вақти худро сарфа намоед! Аризаҳои электрониро пешниҳод кунед!

Ҳайати тадорукот's picture
Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 5 May, 2019 - 21:55
Вақти худро сарфа намоед! Аризаҳои электрониро пешниҳод кунед!
Муҳтарам падару модарон, соҳибкорон ва мудиру роҳбарони ташкилоту муассисаҳо новобаста аз шакли моликият,

Шумо метавонед аз хизматрасониҳои ҳукуматии электронӣ марбут ба забони давлатии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон истифода баред ва ба Кумитаи забон ва истилоҳоти назди Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон
барои номгузории фарзандон бо номҳои тозаэҷод, номгузорӣ/тағйири номи ташкилоту муассисаҳо ва навишти дурусти номҳо ба таври электронӣ муроҷиат намоед.

Умедворем, ки хизматрасониҳои электронии мо вақт ва хароҷоти Шуморо сарфа мекунанд:

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The symbol of the international Navruz holiday and the national New Year approved

Ҳайати тадорукот's picture
Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 22 February, 2019 - 14:26
Рамзи ҷашни байналмилалии Наврӯз ва Соли нави миллӣ барои соли 2019 тасдиқ шуд

By agreement with the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon the symbol of the international Navruz holiday, which is the national New Year, has been approved.

The symbol was prepared by the Union of Artists of Tajikistan on the basis of conclusions of experts of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

The mentioned symbol looks like firtree, is made up of seven layers. All layers have circles and express the spin of universe and space. Every layer is decorated with national scroll style. On the last layer a sweet holiday dish called sumanak is placed as a sign of revival of nature.

Ministries, government agencies, institutions, organizations, executive bodies of the state authority, provinces, districts, and cities, including the city of Dushanbe are expected to install this symbol near state institutions, on squares and near residential buildings in commemoration of the national New Year from March 19 to 25.

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The emblem of "Navruz-2019" approved

Ҳайати тадорукот's picture
Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 21 February, 2019 - 19:34
Ангораи «Наврӯз – 2019» тасдиқ шуд

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon approved the emblem of the 2019 International Navruz holiday.

The emblem has a round shape with a globe at its center, surrounded by the Tajik flag and the symbols of spring, – the traditional holiday sweet dish called sumanak, swallows, handicraft and embroidery patterns as a symbol of folk crafts and a rainbow with the inscription ‘Navruz-2019’ in Tajik.

The emblem will be used by ministries, government agencies, institutions, organizations, executive bodies of state authority of provinces, cities and districts, and mass media.

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Ҳайати тадорукот's picture
Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 2 January, 2019 - 11:55

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon signed Executive Order on announcing the years of 2019-2021 as the "Period of Rural Development, Tourism, and Folk Crafts" in Tajikistan.

The Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan has been instructed to develop within a month and submit for approval a plan of the period’s major events.

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Commissioning Ceremony of the First Unit of “Roghun” HPP

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Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 20 November, 2018 - 14:42

Today, the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon arrived in Roghun city to attend the commissioning ceremony of the first hydro unit of the Roghun hydropower plant.
The Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon was greeted with special warmth and sincerity at the temporary airport of Roghun’s construction site by the Prime Minister of the country Qohir Rasulzoda.
The representatives of Russia, Italy, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan as well as leading experts of regional and international organizations were invited to Tajikistan to participate in this historic event.

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Speech at Roghun HPP First Unit Launch Ceremony

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Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 20 November, 2018 - 14:36
Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон Эмомалӣ Раҳмон

Distinguished Compatriots,
Dear Builders of ‘Roghun’ Hydropower Plant,
Esteemed Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today the noble people of independent Tajikistan are overjoyed as their long-awaited desire, i.e. the launch of the first unit of the life-changing ‘Roghun’ Hydropower Plant and start of generation of power in this facility has become true.

This milestone moment shall be recorded with golden letters in the new history of independent and sovereign Tajikistan our current and future generations shall be proud of and honored with it.

I offer my heartfelt congratulations on this occasion to all of the residents of our country, compatriots abroad. May I commend the constructors of this grand facility of light, who have bravely and patiently demonstrated high sense of national dignity and patriotism in the field of creative efforts and the scene of national dedication and extend my gratitude on behalf of the Government of Tajikistan!

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Solemn gathering on the occasion of the launch of the first aggregate of Roghun HPP

Ҳайати тадорукот's picture
Submitted by Ҳайати тадорукот on 20 November, 2018 - 14:30
Ҷамъомади тантанавӣ ба муносибати оғози кори агрегати аввали Нерӯгоҳи барқи обии “Роғун”

The Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and Dushanbe Chairman Rustami Emomali attended a gala concert to mark the launching of the first hydro unit of the Roghun hydropower plant at the Navruzgoh Complex of Dushanbe.

The head of state once more congratulated every resident of our country and our compatriots abroad on the initial power generated in ‘Roghun’ HPP – the bright light of the households of Tajik people and glittering future of our beloved Motherland.

The President of our country noted that the launch of the first hydro unit of ‘Roghun’ Hydropower Plant is a memorable and milestone event for every resident of Tajikistan.

The Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, spoke about the efforts and measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the period of independence to achieve sustainable development and ensure a decent life of the people.

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